Today we went on a drive to Gunn Point north-east of Darwin. We were told about this drive by our German Friends Andrew and Dirk - they had done this trip after buying their 4wd in Darwin.
We travelled across 25km of heavily corrugated road to arrive at the beach in this isolated place. A lovely beach although not like beaches we see on the east coast due to the very large tidal movements - they inevitably end up almost flat areas where a great deal of beach is showing at low tide as it was today. The sand itself is quite compacted and has a muddy quality about it.
We ventured onto the beach after letting down the tyres and drove up as far as we could go then found a rough track off the beach which included this near vertical incline - great fun getting up there however I later discovered that the new 12 pin plug I had installed on the day before was a casualty from the experience.
Made it onto the beach further along only to discover several people camping, even this one with a standard caravan - he must have taken it very slowly getting here to ensure he didn't shake his van apart.
Then back down the road a bit and off another track which ends at Leader Creek fishing camp. Not much there apart form a tin shed and the boat ramp. It seems that its popular for serious fisherman as the creek provides access to the Arafura Sea and to Bathurst Island. We tried throwing in a lure at the boat ramp where the croc trap is set (they're trying to catch a particular croc who's been causing strife) however nothing doing so packed before the sand flies carried us away.
Back to the van and a stint in the pool before another happy our with the locals.
The Campbells
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