We left our roadside camp and headed north to Derby. On the way we noticed a cloud along the horizon - after a while we realised it was actually smoke from a bushfire - a serious bushfire (we heard later that it had been burning for several days).
Then onto Derby - famous for the largest tides in Oz. On the way into town we saw the Prison Tree - they actually put aborigines in here overnight as they were travelling yo the prison in Derby.
Into the only caravan park in town and signed up for 3 nights. One of our neighbours travels in different style.
Next down to the jetty for a spot of fishing. Turns out they are having neap tides at the moment so only 4m difference - in summer it is up to 12m. We fished the outgoing tide and lost a bit of bait. I had one hookup on a good fish but he broke me off.
The Campbells
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