Thursday, 9 June 2011

Day 61 - Exploring Katherine

After a morning spent cartching up on more schoolwork we're off to teh Cutta Cutta Caves 25km south of the town.  First we stooped in at the trucking yard owned by Leonie and John.  They cart fuel throughout NT and northern WA.  They alos have the only public weighbridge in town.  We heard the news the other night about the government stopping the liv cattle shipments to Indonesia.  They have already noticed the impact with the truck movements slowing to almost nothing.  They are very concerned that the impact of this decision will be felt deeply throughout the industry up here.

Next we went to catch the tour at Cutta Cutta Cavex

As we entered the centre we had a visit from a brown tree snake outside

Then a short walk through the bush to the cave entrance.  These caves are formed by the wet/dry cycle of the seasons so range from fully flooded to bone dry - an unusual combination for limestone caves.

Then on a trip approx 300m into the cave checking all the formations along the way.

Some spots quite narrow but we're still smiling

Next after a trip back to home base we went into town to the Katherine Hot Springs - a series of natural pools which flow through the middle of town.  Sean and I stayed there for a couple of hours and it was great.  Spoke to an older couple for a while and also caught up with Sharon and Greg who we'd met back at Newcastle Waters rest stop.

Another BBQ dinner with Leonie and John before retiring.

The Campbells

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