Woke up to a beautiful outback sunrise then I started working on the station laptop - trying to add a couple of things that Judy wanted on there. Unfortunately after adding a windows update the computer crashed so I spent all day recovering data and rebuilding it - was able to get it going late in the evening.
Meanwhile Sean and Jude were doing the daily tasks around the homestead - feeding the horses, pigs, chooks and turkeys as well as picking some fresh veggies.
Also admired these sculptures done by a guy who worked on the station for a while - they're very good and Judy just loves them.
Judy goes on the NT Variety Bash each year (for the past eight years) and drives this old Fairlane with some added extras - cool car.
Judy had to go to Katherine today - she left about 2pm and won't be back until tomorrow. With her husband Timmy still away that means just Jude, Sean and I left her to look after the homestead (Johnno is here but away all day checking the bores). Amazing that we met this lady 2 days ago and now we're house sitting for them - isn't country life great because of the people!
The Campbells
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