Left our free camp this morning heading east. This one, like the others we see along this stretch are watered by bores although the windmills are no longer utilised.
Next stop the Queensland border 250km away.
Then just down the road to Camoweal on the Georgina River (one of those that feeds the Lake Eyre basin)
This is the heart of Overlander country and was established because of its place on the stock routes north south and later east west.
We went to an establishment called The Drovers Camp - a great collection of drover memoribilia We were shown around by an old drover Jeff Simpson - he was great and really broght things to life for us. The display incliudes this great recreation of a drover's camp explained in great detail by Jeff.
Sean had a go at bullriding.
This stage is used during the Drover's Festival and would be great to be here when it's all happening. The mural was done by a local artist who has may other works throughout the place.
One of the surviving drovers lives just outside Dalby so Jude had a great dialogue with the lady currently in charge and we bought a replica whip made by him.
Carried on to Mount Isa and found a caravan sopt for the night.
The Campbells
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